Settings Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to manage settings, and how to create your own settings adapter.

The Settings adapter handles settings requests.



const settings = core.make("meeseOS/settings");

// Saves all settings;

// Loads all settings

// Gets a settings object from a namespace

// Sets a settings object to a namespace
settings.set("some/namespace", "key", "value")


An application is given the namespace meeseOS/application/{name} (where the name is taken from your application metadata):

import { name as applicationName } from "./metadata.json";

meeseOS.make("meeseOS/packages").register(applicationName, (core, args, options, metadata) => {
  // Default settings
  options.settings = {
    foo: "bar"

  const proc = core.make("name", { options, args, metadata });

  // Get a setting
  console.log(; // => "bar"

  // Set a setting = "baz";

  // Save settings
    .then(() => console.log("done"));

  return proc;

Custom Settings Adapter

To set up your adapter, see the settings guide.

To generate a new adapter using the example via CLI run npm run make:settings.

For general information about development see development article.


const myAdapter = (core, options) => ({
  async save(values) {
    // Create your own request here with "values" settings
    return true;

  async load() {
    // Create your own request here and return settings
    return {};

export default myAdapter;


module.exports = (core, options) => ({
  async save(req, res) {
    // req.body has all settings from client
    return true;

  async load(req, res) {
    // return all settings for user here
    return {};

Using classes

You can also use class pattern for your adapter:

class MySettingsAdapter {
  constructor(core, options) {
    this.core = core;
    this.options = options;

  async save(values) {
    return true;

  async load() {
    return {};

// or for server: module.exports = function()
export default function(core, options) {
  return new MySettingsAdapter(core, options);
MeeseOS Web Desktop - © Aaron Meese <[email protected]>

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